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2929 days ago - Prontera 142, 83 - Casas Bahia Shop
x19Siroma Icetea165,000z
x19Warg Blood Cocktail148,000z
x19Minor Brisket27,000z
x19Drosera Herb Stew215,000z
x1Phendark Card1,450,000z
x1Horn Card440,000z
x1+7 Stunner1,250,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,350,000z
x1Gae Bolg550,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]2,200,000z
x123Box of Thunder15,000z
x802Holy Water2,500z
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2930 days ago - Prontera 137, 92 - Casas Bahia Shop
x123Box of Thunder15,666z
x802Holy Water2,500z
x1Horn Card400,666z
x1Phendark Card1,800,666z
x1+7 Stunner1,500,666z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,250,666z
x1Gae Bolg500,666z
x1Dragon Breath [1]1,900,666z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]37,500,666z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]37,500,666z
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2930 days ago - Prontera 141, 76 - Casas Bahia Shop
x1Horn Card325,800z
x1Phendark Card2,400,000z
x1+7 Stunner1,600,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,400,000z
x1Gae Bolg650,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]2,600,000z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]40,000,000z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]40,000,000z
x123Box of Thunder20,000z
x802Holy Water2,500z
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2930 days ago - Prontera 141, 76 - Casas Bahia Shop
x1Phendark Card1,200,000z
x1+7 Stunner1,600,000z
x1Horn Card250,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,400,000z
x1Gae Bolg600,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]2,600,000z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]40,000,000z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]40,000,000z
x123Box of Thunder20,000z
x837Holy Water2,500z
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2930 days ago - Prontera 141, 76 - Casas Bahia Shop
x1Phendark Card1,200,000z
x1Horn Card250,000z
x1+7 Stunner1,600,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,400,000z
x1Gae Bolg600,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]2,600,000z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]40,000,000z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]40,000,000z
x123Box of Thunder20,000z
x837Holy Water2,500z
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2930 days ago - Prontera 147, 170 - Casas Bahia Shop
x1Horn Card551,036z
x1Phendark Card2,645,035z
x1Thiefbug Egg Card645,032z
x1+7 Stunner1,768,032z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,425,025z
x1Gae Bolg765,202z
x1Dragon Breath [1]2,674,850z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]40,000,000z
x123Box of Thunder20,000z
x837Holy Water2,500z
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2930 days ago - Prontera 138, 172 - Casas Bahia Shop
x1Thiefbug Egg Card702,455z
x1Phendark Card2,658,456z
x1Horn Card666,666z
x1+7 Stunner1,745,069z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,452,036z
x1Gae Bolg741,525z
x1Dragon Breath [1]2,625,369z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]43,000,000z
x123Box of Thunder20,000z
x837Holy Water2,500z
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2931 days ago - Prontera 138, 172 - Casas Bahia Shop
x1Horn Card666,666z
x1Phendark Card2,698,745z
x1Thiefbug Egg Card695,742z
x1Book of the Apocalypse24,596z
x1+7 Stunner1,764,203z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,456,302z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,452,000z0z
x1Gae Bolg659,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]2,500,000z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]43,000,000z
x123Box of Thunder20,000z
x837Holy Water2,500z
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2931 days ago - Prontera 138, 172 - Casas Bahia Shop
x1Thiefbug Egg Card766,666z
x1Phendark Card2,666,666z
x1Horn Card666,666z
x1Book of the Apocalypse27,530z
x1+7 Stunner1,753,159z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,420,568z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,402,365z
x1Gae Bolg701,456z
x1Dragon Breath [1]2,654,010z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]43,000,000z
x123Box of Thunder20,000z
x837Holy Water2,500z
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2931 days ago - Prontera 138, 172 - Casas Bahia Shop
x1Horn Card605,803z
x1Phendark Card2,603,594z
x1Thiefbug Egg Card784,503z
x1Book of the Apocalypse29,645z
x1+7 Stunner1,964,036z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,403,875z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,452,004z
x1Gae Bolg745,601z
x1Dragon Breath [1]2,564,410z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]46,900,001z
x123Box of Thunder22,000z
x837Holy Water2,500z
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2931 days ago - Prontera 147, 173 - Casas Bahia Shopping
x1Horn Card487,129z
x1Phendark Card268,325z
x1Thiefbug Egg Card965,784z
x1Book of the Apocalypse28,741z
x1+7 Stunner1,965,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,426,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,425,000z
x1Gae Bolg650,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]46,900,000z
x123Box of Thunder22,000z
x837Holy Water2,500z
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2931 days ago - Prontera 147, 173 - Casas Bahia Shopping
x1Hurricane Fury [1]46,900,000z
x123Box of Thunder22,000z
x837Holy Water2,500z
x1Thiefbug Egg Card914,265z
x1Phendark Card2,619,000z
x1Horn Card499,000z
x1Book of the Apocalypse29,000z
x1+7 Stunner1,900,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,500,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,500,000z
x1Gae Bolg700,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
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2931 days ago - Prontera 131, 74 - Casas Bahia Shopping
x1Horn Card500,000z
x1Phendark Card3,000,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,500,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,500,000z
x1Crimson Revolver [2]700,000z0z
x1Gae Bolg700,000z
x1+7 Stunner2,200,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x123Box of Thunder25,000z
x837Holy Water2,500z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]47,500,000z
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2931 days ago - Prontera 131, 74 - Casas Bahia Shopping
x1Phendark Card3,000,000z
x1Gae Bolg700,000z
x1+7 Stunner2,200,000z
x1Crimson Revolver [2]700,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]2,900,000z
x123Box of Thunder25,000z
x837Holy Water2,500z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,500,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,500,000z
x1Elven Bow [1]13,000,000z0z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]47,500,000z
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2931 days ago - Prontera 139, 73 - Casas Bahia Shopping
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x1Elven Bow [1]13,000,000z
x1Hurricane Fury [1]47,500,000z
x1Gae Bolg750,000z
x1Phendark Card3,000,000z
x123Box of Thunder25,000z
x1Crimson Revolver [2]750,000z
x1+7 Stunner2,500,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,500,000z
x1Gust Bow [1]1,500,000z
x1Crimson Katar [2]1,600,000z
x841Holy Water2,500z
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2931 days ago - Prontera 141, 74 - Casas Bahia Shoping
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x1Gae Bolg500,000z
x144Horrendous Mouth1,000z
x1Horn Card500,000z
x123Box of Thunder25,000z
x1Phendark Card3,000,000z
x896Holy Water2,500z
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2932 days ago - Prontera 141, 74 - Casas Bahia Shoping
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x1Gae Bolg500,000z
x1Light Epsilon2,200,000z0z
x144Horrendous Mouth1,000z
x1Horn Card500,000z
x123Box of Thunder25,000z
x1Phendark Card3,000,000z
x896Holy Water2,500z
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2932 days ago - Prontera 142, 85 - Casas Bahia Shop
x124Box of Thunder25,000z
x1Light Epsilon2,200,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x1Gae Bolg800,000z
x1Phendark Card3,000,000z
x1Horn Card500,000z
x1Book of the Apocalypse39,000z
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2935 days ago - Prontera 142, 80 - Black Fraude in Casas BahiaShop
x697Holy Water2,500z
x125Box of Thunder30,000z
x1Phendark Card3,000,000z
x1Horn Card500,000z
x1Gae Bolg800,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x1Light Epsilon2,200,000z
x1Thiefbug Egg Card2,000,000z
x154Horrendous Mouth500z
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2935 days ago - Prontera 142, 79 - Black Fraude Casas Bahia É Akì !!
x440Holy Water2,500z
x1Light Epsilon2,200,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x1Gae Bolg900,000z
x125Box of Thunder35,000z
x186Horrendous Mouth500z
x1Phendark Card3,200,000z
x1Horn Card900,000z
x1Ragamuffin Manteau19,000z0z
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2936 days ago - Prontera 142, 79 - Black Fraude Casas Bahia � Ak� !!
x963Holy Water2,500z
x1Light Epsilon2,200,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x1Gae Bolg900,000z
x125Box of Thunder35,000z
x186Horrendous Mouth500z
x1Phendark Card3,200,000z
x1Horn Card900,000z
x1Ragamuffin Manteau19,000z
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2936 days ago - Prontera 142, 79 - Black Fraude Casas Bahia É Akì !!
x963Holy Water2,500z
x1Light Epsilon2,200,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x1Gae Bolg900,000z
x125Box of Thunder35,000z
x186Horrendous Mouth500z
x1Phendark Card3,200,000z
x1Horn Card900,000z
x31Maneater Blossom1,100z0z
x1Ragamuffin Manteau19,000z
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2936 days ago - Prontera 142, 81 - Black Fraude Casas Bahia É Aki !!
x729Holy Water3,000z
x1Light Epsilon2,000,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x125Box of Thunder35,000z
x31Maneater Blossom1,300z
x1Jakk Card2,000,000z0z
x1Phendark Card3,000,000z
x1Horn Card800,000z
x1Gae Bolg1,200,000z
x186Horrendous Mouth1,200z
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2936 days ago - Prontera 142, 81 - Black Fraude Casas Bahia � Aki !!
x829Holy Water3,000z
x1Light Epsilon2,000,000z
x1Dragon Breath [1]3,000,000z
x125Box of Thunder35,000z
x431Maneater Blossom1,300z
x1Jakk Card2,000,000z
x1Phendark Card3,000,000z
x1Horn Card800,000z
x1Gae Bolg1,200,000z
x186Horrendous Mouth1,200z
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2937 days ago - Prontera 133, 74 - |Buy Emperium| PM ME !
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