Spirit Whispers
Spirit Whispers
A spirit literally whispering sweet nothings into your ear and out the other. Unable to refine. Mdef +3 Increases resistance to attacks from Demon and Angel monsters by 1% When killing a Demon monster, there's a chance of obtaining 'Holy Water'. When killing an Angel type emonster, there's a chance of obtaining 'Cursed Water'. Special Effect: If equipped in combination with the Heart Hairpin[0], adds an additional 9% resistance to attacks from Angel monsters. If equipped in combination with the Crescent Hairpin[0], adds an additional 9% resistance to attacks from Demon monsters. Class : Headgear
Defense : 3
Location : Middle
Weight : 30
Required Level : 1
Job : All
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By Item Name - http://ragnastats.com/item/Spirit Whispers
By Game ID - http://ragnastats.com/item/18538
By RagnaStats ID - http://ragnastats.com/item?id=13221
By Game ID - http://ragnastats.com/item/18538
By RagnaStats ID - http://ragnastats.com/item?id=13221