Exact Matches for Aqua Elemental Card
x1 for 4,000,000z 4475 days ago from Trade Merchant in Vellum Spear, Succubus Horns, Cards at Prontera 159, 193
x1 for 4,000,000z 4475 days ago from Trade Merchant in Vellum Spear, Succubus Horns, Cards at Prontera 159, 193
x1 for 4,000,000z 4475 days ago from Trade Merchant in Vellum Spear, Succubus Horns, Cards at Prontera 159, 193
x1 for 4,000,000z 4476 days ago from Trade Merchant in Vellum Spear, Succubus Horns, Cards at Prontera 159, 193
x1 for 4,000,000z 4495 days ago from whats up!!!! in B-+9valk shield clean or whit thara at Prontera 149, 180
x1 for 5,000,000z 4495 days ago from whats up!!!! in B- +9valk shield clean or whit thara at Prontera 149, 179
x1 for 3,000,000z 4534 days ago from Ruler of the Skies in 970 Whites, cards, gemini at Prontera 140, 212
x1 for 3,000,000z 4534 days ago from Ruler of the Skies in 950 whites, cards, gemini at Prontera 140, 211