Exact Matches for Authoritative Badge
x10 for 6,800z 2084 days ago from TerraBukor in SoheeC, Muffler, Hair, DB, AuthoB, + at Prontera 135, 117
x6 for 6,800z 2086 days ago from TerraBukor in Puente, Muffler, DB, Hair, and more! at Prontera 129, 115
x6 for 6,800z 2086 days ago from TerraBukor in Puente, Muffler, DB, Hair, and more! at Prontera 129, 115
x36 for 7,000z 2092 days ago from Rebenta in Catapult, Canine, spore, voucher... at Prontera 147, 62