Exact Matches for Costume: Rooster's Comb
x1 for 100,000z 2505 days ago from Marty's Merchant in +7 certs all. MALICIOUS gear at Prontera 147, 107
x1 for 100,000z 2505 days ago from Marty's Merchant in +7 certs all. MALICIOUS gear at Prontera 147, 107
x1 for 10,000,000z 2536 days ago from Marty's Merchant in OCP 13 and random geffen robe at Prontera 147, 111
x1 for 10,000,000z 2536 days ago from Marty's Merchant in OCP 13 and random geffen robe at Prontera 147, 111
x1 for 5,000,000z 2557 days ago from Marty's Merchant in Hero Trade Mail. CHEAP at Prontera 147, 107