Exact Matches for Elven Arrow
x14000 for 450z 4191 days ago from IHasABank in cheap quivers, zargon, elven arrow at Prontera 143, 70
x1000 for 700z 4195 days ago from Secret Seller Anna in Elf and Hunting Quivers~ at Prontera 160, 99
x5999 for 1,500z 4198 days ago from - Chuck Specialist - in T>+8 Alca Bringer for +7 Valk armor at Prontera 159, 159
x5999 for 1,500z 4198 days ago from - Chuck Specialist - in T>+8 Alca Bringer to +7Diabolusarmor at Prontera 159, 159
x5999 for 25z 4247 days ago from - Chuck Specialist - in S>Rudolf Hairband L/O PM me not afk at Prontera 156, 80