Exact Matches for Fabre Card
x4 for 1,000,000z 2458 days ago from BlueBerry Poptart_L in Look and you shall find~ at Prontera 155, 97
x4 for 1,000,000z 2458 days ago from BlueBerry Poptart_L in Look and you shall find~ at Prontera 155, 97
x4 for 1,000,000z 2458 days ago from BlueBerry Poptart_L in Look and you shall find~ at Prontera 155, 97
x4 for 1,000,000z 2458 days ago from BlueBerry Poptart_L in Look and you shall find~ at Prontera 155, 97
x4 for 1,000,000z 2458 days ago from BlueBerry Poptart_L in Look and you shall find~ at Prontera 155, 97