Exact Matches for Fragment of Rossata Stone
x1 for 2,000,000z 2319 days ago from ClaraJosephine in T> VALKYRIE DROP = HIDDEN CLOTHE |LN at Prontera 162, 47
x4 for 2,500,000z 2321 days ago from One Axe Man in Oversas Shitty package and + at Prontera 49, 208
x4 for 2,500,000z 2321 days ago from One Axe Man in Oversas Shitty package and + at Prontera 49, 208
x4 for 2,500,000z 2322 days ago from One Axe Man in Oversas Shitty package and + at Prontera 49, 208
x4 for 2,500,000z 2322 days ago from One Axe Man in Oversas Shitty package and + at Prontera 49, 208