Exact Matches for Horn of Tendrilion
x35 for 100,000z 4930 days ago from UnlimitedBladeWork in B>kafra blossom card 8m each at Prontera 147, 182
x36 for 100,000z 4930 days ago from UnlimitedBladeWork in B>kafra blossom card 8m each at Prontera 147, 182
x189 for 50,000z 4992 days ago from DarK~StaR in +7 tourny shield[alice] for 10k ales at Prontera 159, 165
x6 for 100,000z 5001 days ago from InfernalBank in I need fund an entire guild plz at Prontera 155, 223
x7 for 100,000z 5029 days ago from InfernalBank in Pots/Stuff I need to get rid of at Prontera 142, 213