Exact Matches for Level 5 Heal
x10 for 2,000z 3415 days ago from ~Ash~_VA in Ygg Seeds, Quest Items, Green Lace at Prontera 154, 117
x12 for 2,000z 3415 days ago from ~Ash~_VA in Ygg Seeds, Quest Items, Green Lace at Prontera 154, 117
x32 for 1,500z 3430 days ago from Pots to the order in Hats/HolyWater/Random/Seed at Prontera 141, 195
x1 for 3,444z 3443 days ago from HayabusaXLGEE in ~HD ORI BOX~+7 equips enchants etc. at Prontera 168, 185
x1 for 3,444z 3443 days ago from HayabusaXLGEE in ~HD ORI BOX~+7 equips enchants etc. at Prontera 168, 185
x1 for 3,444z 3443 days ago from HayabusaXLGEE in ~HD ORI BOX~+7 equips enchants etc. at Prontera 168, 185
x30 for 3,000z 3457 days ago from Pots to the order in Card/HolyWater/Etc/Coupons at Prontera 139, 187
x16 for 3,000z 3465 days ago from Pots to the order in Card/Heal/Random/HolyWater/Coupon at Prontera 139, 190