Exact Matches for Poison Spore Egg
x1 for 750,000z 4563 days ago from Dinor's Blacksmith in Tikbalang and other Eggs at Prontera 117, 121
x1 for 750,000z 4563 days ago from Dinor's Blacksmith in Tikbalang and other Eggs at Prontera 117, 121
x1 for 750,000z 4564 days ago from Dinor's Blacksmith in Tikbalang and other Eggs at Prontera 117, 121
x1 for 750,000z 4564 days ago from Dinor's Blacksmith in Tikbalang and other Eggs at Prontera 117, 121
x1 for 175,000z 4564 days ago from Dinor's Blacksmith in Tikbalang and other Eggs at Prontera 117, 121