Exact Matches for Unknown 31207
x1 for 40,000,000z 2569 days ago from Kajuma_VA in B>Costume: Archangel Wing L/O at Prontera 119, 110
x1 for 40,000,000z 2570 days ago from Kajuma_VA in Horn of Kirin HE Bubble OCA Ori crim at Prontera 118, 110
x1 for 40,000,000z 2570 days ago from Kajuma_VA in Horn of Kirin HE Bubble OCA Ori crim at Prontera 118, 110
x1 for 40,000,000z 2570 days ago from Kajuma_VA in Dokkebi Costume +7 Crimson Bow etc at Prontera 145, 116