Exact Matches for +7 Anubis Helm
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x1 for 35,000,000z 3560 days ago from Vulpes Vengeance in +9 Dull BLB and other trash at Prontera 120, 95
x1 for 35,000,000z 3560 days ago from Vulpes Vengeance in +9 Dull BLB and other trash at Prontera 120, 95
x1 for 35,000,000z 3574 days ago from Vulpes Vengeance in Cheaper BB than that guy at Prontera 150, 95
x1 for 35,000,000z 3621 days ago from Vulpes Vengeance in Dull BLB and other useless stuff at Prontera 160, 101